While that is still true, I realized I could still review my goals from the past year and see how I did.
Lifestyle goals revisited:
1. Learn to eat better and to counteract the effects of PCOS and gluten intolerance.
- I've been doing a lot of reading- books about gluten intolerance and lots of cookbooks
- new goal: make a menu for a month or more of meals (to be put into use after we move)
- I've done some baking and experimenting- some good results, some not so good
- see goal #1 for progress and new goal
- Not so much. This happens every winter- I'm a wuss when it comes to getting outside and working out in the freezing cold. Last winter I was able to put my bike on the bike trainer, but I didn't have room for that this year.
- new goal: keep making an effort to get outside, even if it's only for a walk. Once we know where we'll be moving to and when, I'm going to find a 5K to sign up for as further motivation (by then it'll be a bit warmer, and we'll have the money for the registration fee).
- I've plateaued at 20 pounds lost. I attribute this to lack of exercise and stress. I've noticed the scale creeping up again lately, so I really need to address the issue. When I'm stressed, I eat chocolate. Lots of it. I'm working on not stress eating, but there's only so much I can do myself. I do think that once Mr. M starts working and we get settled in a new place my stress levels will go way down. I'll have different stressors, I know, but hopefully they won't be as bad as the ones I've been dealing with.
- new goal: focus more on eating right and limiting sweets, especially chocolate (I'm not quite ready to give it up altogether, though I may need to). Combined with exercise and lower stress levels, I should start making progress again.
1. Re-cover chair
- Finally started, hopefully it won't take too long
- new goal: finish re-covering chair as soon as possible.
- Need to start as soon as we have some warmer weather
- new goal: as soon as we have a nice day, get out and get started.
- finished these: the skirts, the re-purposed clothing items, etc
- no new goal needed
- finished in plenty of time for Halloween
- no new goal needed
- Finished them all, though I think there was a couple I had to work on in November. Either way, they all got done in time.
- no new goal needed
Some goals I can add to my list for the year, regardless of where we end up living:
Short term:
1. Send out Christmas cards (late, I know)
2. Write and send out thank you cards
3. Finish recovering the chair
4. Strip the bed frame
5. Find various records (birth, marriage, etc) and scan them in for family history source info
Long term:
1. Run at least two half marathons in 2010
2. Run a full marathon in 2010 (the same one I ran in 2008, if possible)
3. Do my continuing education courses to keep my massage certification up to date