Thursday, January 12, 2012


I wrote this at the beginning of the month, but forgot to post it.

One of the blogs I read was talking about 'discipline' as a goal for the year. She talked about applying discipline to various parts of her life. I liked this and have been thinking about it for a few days now.

I'm pretty good about making goals and following up on them or altering them to fit my changing circumstances. However, there's always room to improve, and being more disciplined is a good way to start.

How am I going to apply discipline to my life this year?

1. I will be more disciplined in my sleep schedule (get to bed on time, wake up earlier)
2. I will be more disciplined in my workout schedule (more consistent)
3. I will be more disciplined in my eating habits (no more "fudging" and eating things I shouldn't)
4. I will be more disciplined in my daily schedule (scriptures, homeschooling, housework, etc each get the attention needed)

What are your goal(s) for this year?