Monday, July 9, 2012

June Goals Re-Cap

The bookshelves are built and painted, now I've got to finish all the shelves so we can get the stacks of books off the floor and move the furniture around.

Since I wrote down some new goals, I thought I should track my progress at the end of each month. So here's how I did in the month of June:

A few goals under Health:
1. keep strengthening my knee and start running for longer periods of time/distance
         I started increasing distance, than life got super crazy and I didn't exercise much
2. train for and run at least 4 races by the end of 2012 (at least one half marathon)
         I ran a 5k and my knee didn't hurt
3. be more careful with my eating and lose some weight
         No weight lost yet, but I'm paying more attention to what I'm eating and how much

A few goals under House:
1. finish painting all the rooms
        Not started yet
2. do the family room ceiling
        Not started yet
3. finish building built-in shelves in the library
        Still need to caulk and paint the adjustable shelves

A few goals under Homeschool:
1. stick to the schedule I've worked out, as much as possible
       We finished the school year and are now enjoying summer break
2. be more consistent with violin practicing
        Ummm, not yet

A few goals under Habits:
1. practice the piano more frequently
        Life was way too crazy to even think about playing the piano
2. index several batches every week for FamilySearch
        Only managed to index one week out of the month
3. have more meaningful daily scripture study (start journaling as I read)
        I haven't started journaling yet because after my daily reading in the Book of Mormon I've been studying the Church Handbook for Leaders so I can better understand my role as Relief Society president and how the Relief Society program should work

How are you at keeping goals you make?