Monday, April 8, 2013

March Goals Re-cap

Ever had dill pickle potato chips before? They're not too bad- we had them at the Canadian section of Epcot (it's a Canadian brand), though I'm sure that little bag we bought cost more than this big bag I found at Marshalls. And yes, those are ketchup flavored potato chips next to them. ewwww!

I updated my goals in January and here's the progress I made in March.
February's progress can be seen here.

A few goals under Health:
1. Stick to GAPS
Just like in February, this was a bust since the nausea, loss of appetite and super sensitive sense of smell made it impossible to do any cooking myself. Things did improve toward the end of the month and we're easing back into GAPS this week. I've been getting back into the habit of cooking and meal prep and now just have to sit down and do a menu and shopping list.
2. Train for and run at least 6 races by the end of 2013 (at least one half marathon, preferably two)
I've run 3 races now- one 5k, one 4 miler, and one half marathon. I thought about registering for a local spring half, but decided not to since I'd be doing it just to cross it off my list- I wouldn't be able to get a decent time and would not be properly ready for it. I did register for a 5k at the beginning of June, and I don't anticipate any problems there, even if I do have to walk part of it. I'm still running regularly (though at a reduced mileage/intensity) and can feel the changes in my body already as the baby co-ops my oxygen.
3. Consistently cross train and strength train
I haven't added cycling and strength training, though I'm still finishing projects around the house, which is a kind of strength training :)

A few goals under House:
1. Clean up drips and do the final touches in each room
I  am working on finishing the kitchen. Once I finish that, then I can move on to the touch ups.
2. Build and install shelves in all closets
I did the kitchen coat closet and it is soooo much more functional now- I love it! The pantry is also finished. In April I'll work on LMS's closet and the master closet.
3. Build homeschool cabinet
Finished the design, but haven't had time/energy to start yet. Finally got extra furniture moved out of the living room and now have the space to build it, so a step closer.
4. Build kitchen table
Again, haven't had the time/energy yet.

A few goals under Homeschool:
1. Continue to be consistent at keeping to the schedule
We're doing pretty good at sticking to the schedule, though we have had to be a bit flexible with the fatigue I've been experiencing and we have not managed to get an earlier start in the morning.
2. Be more present
Still working on this one, but I suspect this is one of those on-going ones that never quite end.

A few goals under Habits:
1. Practice the piano and violin consistently
Yeah, these haven't happened yet- no time or energy.
2. Index several batches every week for FamilySearch
Nor this one.
3. Have more meaningful daily scripture study (start journaling as I read)
I've tried several journaling options and I'm not convinced that any of them are working for me. I had hoped that journaling would help me get more out of what I read, but at this point I'm not sure it will. I have a few other things I'm going to try in the meantime, and I'll revisit journaling later.

How did you do with your goals this month?

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